
Alt Centrism pulls from the fringe elements of each quadrant of the political compass. Some of the most despised political figures’ ideas combine to form Anarcho-Maoism-Egoism-Realpolitik. This combination of the ideas of Proudhon, Mao, Rand, and Machiavelli come together at the radical center. 

Proudhon was the first person to declare himself an anarchist, using that term and is widely regarded as one of anarchism's most influential theorists. Proudhon is considered by many to be the "father of anarchism". Proudhon favored workers councils and associations or cooperatives as well as individual worker possession over private ownership or the nationalization of land and workplaces. For Proudhon, his philosophy involved free association by creating industrial democracy, a system where workplaces would be handed over to democratically organised workers' associations.

Anarcho-Maoism, is a revolutionary socialist  tendency that believes the social revolution can and should occur spontaneously from below by the working class itself, without aid or guidance of a vanguard party and that it cannot and should not be brought about by the actions of individuals such as professional revolutionaries or political parties who might attempt to foment such a revolution.

Mao-Spontex came to represent an ideology promoting the ideas of Marxism and Leninism, but rejecting the total idea of Marxism-Leninism. Lenin's work What Is to Be Done? especially is criticized as dated and Lenin's critique of spontaneity is rejected. Lenin's idea of democratic centralism is supported as a way to organize a party, but a party must also have constant conflict inside of it to remain revolutionary. The revolutionary party discussed must also always be from a mass worker's movement. This works to reconcile the top down and bottom up elements of a workers’ revolution. 

Ayn Rand stands in for the right-libertarians. On political matters, libertarians favor free markets and object to statism. This libertarianism is a political ideology which seeks to establish a form of governance in which state intervention is as minimal as possible while still maintaining a broadly functional society. Egoism emphasizes the individual over another kind of guiding principle; that is, the individual should do as they please. Egoism is not motivated because of some abstract ideal of the 'good of the community' or 'for the people'. Instead, he is an Egoist because he seeks his own fulfillment above all else - the liberation of himself through a system of individualist socialism. 

Machiavellianism also called Political Opportunism or Realism is a type of politics which primarily focuses on acquiring and maintaining political power from a "selfish" standpoint. In a way machiavellianism can be said to be an ideology focused entirely on the political concept of praxis, that being actions done for political gain. Machiavellianism is not as much the strict beliefs of Niccolo Machiavelli, but rather the recognition of the realities Machiavelli acknowledged. For this reason, we should look at the real world example of Maoism for praxis. Motivated by self-interest, the egoist libertarian seeks a system of socialism in order to spontaneously liberate individuals of the working class. 


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