A Metaphysical Principle

The quantum worldview has opened the immense potential to be derived from interconnectedness and dynamism. How exactly does the quantum worldview and it’s core principles bring about personal transformation? One word: possibility. The Possibilist Principle opens the window of possibilities in all areas of our lives.  

The possibilist principle is this truth: possibility begets more and more possibility. The goal is to help you envision your world and yourself as you develop the insights to navigate your life without fear and with self-empowerment. It is time for each of us to experience new possibilities - possibilities we can apprehend when we let go of the past outlook that holds us back in so many areas of our lives. 

Rethinking Reality 

  1. The multiverse is uncertain - one of the new findings of quantum based science is that the multiverse is awash in uncertainty. Uncertainty is the fabric of the quantum world. Welcoming uncertainty frees us from the severely constrained existence in which the past outlook imprisions us. Uncertainty is where new possibility lies. 
  2. The multiverse is a pure state of dynamism - uncertainty implies potentiality, as all outcomes are possible. It appears that reality looks more like a reality-making process- a perpetual state of flow- than a fixed state of being. With a shift in our perceptions and thinking. We too can enter into the flow of possibilities. 
  3. The multiverse is fundamentally interconnected - the multiverse appears to be a thoroughly inseparable, interpenetrating whole. Inseparability implies that we are an integral part of everything and everyone. This understanding fills us with meaning, purpose, and interconnection. Inseparability can usher in the possibility of compassion and empathy. 

The quantum model invites us into our growth and change process; this new perception of reality enables us to apprehend the possibilities that await us. The principles of quantum physics enable us to break free from the past as we may choose. Uncertainty, dynamism, and interconectedness provide us with the platform to become masters of our lives. If we are all interconnected in an unimaginably profound way, and the universe is uncertain and constantly in flux, we are liberated from the confines of predictability, and we open the window to new potential and personal growth. 


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