Nonhuman Marxisms
If Posadists had their way, it would be an interplanetary revolution. They were the followers of Posadas, an Argentinian Trotskyite who happened to believe that dolphins should be a part of the revolution, too, and that a nuclear war could bring a lasting, worldwide, peace.
The Posadists began quarrelling with the majority of the Fourth International in 1959 over the question of nuclear war with Posadas being a proponent as, he claimed, it would destroy capitalism and clear the way for socialism. The Posadists finally split with the Fourth Internstional in 1962 to form Posadism. The group initially had a following in several countries, particularly among railway workers in Cuba, tin workers in Bolivia and farm workers in Brazil.
In the late 1960s the Posadists became increasingly interested in UFOs, claiming they were evidence of socialism on other planets. Posadists believe that any civilization intelligent enough to invent space travel would naturally be a socialist society, so when extraterrestrials arrive to our planet they'll be interested in overthrowing our capitalist system.
Posadas postulated that a communist movement established under the guidance of alien comrades was the prerequisite for revolution on Earth. He might be one of the most particular political theorists that ever lived, but in Argentina his theory was, at least once upon a time, relatively widespread.
Posada had a more-than-keen interest in extraterrestrial life. That belief could manifest realistically, with Posada advocating for METI — Messages to Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or "active SETI" in which a SETI group doesn't just listen for messages, but actively sends out beacons of our presence.
Another Trotskyite from Brazil named Guilherme Monteiro Jr, also known as William Ariel Mounter, is characterized for defending a socialist model for nonhumans, also known as mythicals, and for gods, based on the full socialization of the economy and the state. As well as the full socialization of the world economy and world politics. Together with the spiritualization of the masses, re-education of the masses, rapid transition to extraphysicism and the creation of nonhuman countries. Thus Posadas does not stand alone in advancing Marxist theory to incapsulate nonhuman beings.
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