Abolish the Archons!

‘Gnosis’ is necessary for self governance; self governance is the foundation of anarchist society. Jesus embodied and taught that affirmed alignment with Unknown God (Father God) allows for individual gnosis which naturally co-creates collective harmony, eliminating external governing structures.

Some ancient forms of Gnosticism had many things in common with modern ideas of anarchism: their members lived on communes with little to no private property and they practiced ceremonies led by people chosen each time by lots rather than hierarchical authority. Gnostic groups also practiced equity among the sexes; some were vegetarians. Central to all Gnostic philosophy was an individual attainment of affirmed alignment with the Unknown God  (Father God) as taught by Jesus to the first ‘gnostic’ sects,a personal experience rather than one based on dogma. They often had decentralized church structure and, given that early Gnostics believed we are all precious and holy children of Father God, they placed a strong emphasis on equity. 

Some modern ‘Gnostics’ view themselves in opposition to spiritual entities called "archons," a word which means "ruler"; the word "anarchy" comes from, "anarkhos," meaning, "without rulers," and so in many ways the goal of Gnosticism is literally anarchy. Other modern Gnostic sub-schools believe they are ruled by the ‘Demiurge,’ an ‘Archon overlord.’

In the end, it is the journey of self-discovery that leads to liberation of the self from all that “rules” ones life. Whether it be corrupt governments, outmoded ways of thinking, constricting dogmas, religious institutions, environmental barriers, or technological disruptions. Archons are everywhere and they must be overthrown in the name of individual freedom and collective equality. Every act in life is the will to overcome these obstacles. When in alignment with the Unknown God of gnosticism all of the rigidity of constrictive structures melts away to make room for the balance of absolute liberty and equality. Since in the spirit of equity, everyone’s freedom serves the freedom of others. 


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