
Showing posts from March, 2018

Metaphysics of Liberation

     What will be intended with the following posts will be the exploration of a set of philosophical thought with attention to metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and aesthetics. This post will treat the topic of metaphysics in reference to William James' pragmatism. First, metaphysics is the branch of philosophy concerning questions of being, existence and reality. One way to question this is to qualify existence by way of dualism. However, multiversalism is fundamentally nondual, meaning it is not two. Nondualism has the three alternatives of nonism, monism, and pluralism. Nonism implies skepticism - the denial of any way to know the composition of existence. Whereas, monism suggests that one form or principle can explain all of the occurrences of reality. Pluralism contends that existence is always many and consists of diversity and fragmentation.       Multiversalism is the synthesis of the three alternati...

From Multiverse to Ecological Enlightenment

     The term multiverse as coined by philosopher William James, did not necessarily imply the many-worlds interpretation or multidimensional theories. Rather James was writing about a moral multiverse just as Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." The moral multiverse bends that arc into a horseshoe shape, much like some depictions of the left-right political binary. The multiverse entails the bending of all dualities, such as  theoretical/practical,  reason/passion, masculine/feminine, heteronormative/homonormative, reality/illusion, life/death, anthropocentrism/ecocentrism. Much like Derrida's deconstruction, which achieves the creative destruction of a concept by juxtaposing it with its opposite, multiversalism breaks down thinking that can only be contained in two boxes while also transcending "either/or" logic. This is known as nondualism - not two but zero, one and many.    ...