Eco-Communalism: Political Philosophy of Deep Ecology

Eco-Communalism Eco-communalism is an environmental philosophy based on ideals of simple living, self-sufficiency, sustainability, and local economies. Eco-communalists envision a future in which the economic system of capitalism is replaced with a global web of economically interdependent and interconnected small local communes. Decentralized government, a focus on agriculture, biodiversity, and green economics form the basis of eco-communalism. Eco-communalism finds its roots in a diverse set of ideologies. These include the pastoral reaction to industrialization of William Morris; the Small Is Beautiful twentieth century philosophy of E.F. Schumacher; and the traditionalism of Gandhi. Eco-communalism is an ideology merging aspects of socialism with that of green politics, ecology and alter-globalization. Eco-communalist generally believe that the expansion of the capitalist system is the cause of social exclusion, poverty, war and environmental degradati...